Lightcast Webinar: Becoming a Skills-Based Organisation

Our CEO Simon Haines joined our friends at Lightcast for their latest webinar on becoming a skills-based organisation and discussed how to transition to a more skills-forward workforce.

The insightful session delved into the strategies and practices that can help you understand the need for skills and how to implement them into your business strategy.

For example, right now labour markets worldwide are experiencing growing tightness, resulting in shortages of talent and skills in various industries and regions. As a result, organizations are facing increasing pressure to optimize their return on investment (ROI) in the workforce and make informed decisions about workforce planning. These decisions involve considering whether to acquire, develop, outsource, or automate certain roles.

To put it simply, meeting these demands requires a more detailed approach to ensure that the right talent is mobilized in the right place and at the right time. Skills serve as the fundamental building blocks of work, and we are witnessing a shift toward skill-based strategic workforce planning. In this webinar, we will look into the journey that organizations are undertaking in this regard, offering practical tips on how to begin and highlighting the benefits of embracing a skill-based approach.

Watch below...


Skills-First Hiring: The Importance of Skills in the Workforce


People Analytics: Now Contains Skills!